OK. One More Snow Storm. Then I want to Garden.

Since I had time this morning, I made biscuits. I had time because we are having yet another “winter weather event.” This is the fourth in four weeks. At least it’s supposed to be 50 degrees by Sunday. In the meantime, though, it’s supposed to get very cold.

Ah, these were lovely.  Almost used up the last of the lemon curd...

Ah, these were lovely. Almost used up the last of the lemon curd…

In spite of the fact I’ve got my garden planned and have my seeds ready, I don’t actually mind these storms. They’ve been restful, an opportunity to slow down. They’ve also had fairly minimal amounts of snow. It’s a nice workout to shovel five or six inches and clean off my car. More than that gets into “I’m not 35 years old anymore” territory. We won’t get into the frequency of my gym visits, either.

My car after one of the recent snow storms.

My car after one of the recent snow storms.

I went out for a walk today and really enjoyed the scenery. The lattice work of snow-covered limbs overhead was beautiful. The snow was wet, sticky and heavy.

At the end of my walk I saw this dove, huddled up in what seems like very little shelter.

At the end of my walk I saw this dove, huddled up in what seems like very little shelter.

I visited the sledding hill, but the kids weren’t out on it yet. About 45 minutes ago, I saw some kids run by with bright plastic sleds. They’re probably there now, shrieking and sliding, but I’m in for the evening, thinking about dinner.

I've gone down this myself.  It's a real shrieker.

I’ve gone down this myself. It’s a real shrieker.

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6 Responses to OK. One More Snow Storm. Then I want to Garden.

  1. As enchanting as all the snow looks and as pretty as the tree with the poor dove looks – I too want you to be gardening!! I do hope you will have a different story to tell soon – but in the meantime enjoy your down time!


  2. arlingwoman says:

    Thanks! I think I’ll be plunging back into the world tomorrow. Spring will be here soon enough.


  3. Anne Wheaton says:

    That seems like a lot of snow to me – over here we’d have ground to a halt. We have the first signs of spring thank goodness and had a few days of very welcome sunshine and blue skies.


  4. KerryCan says:

    You’ve had your fair share this winter! But, yes, we’re all supposed to have a warm-up soon. We won’t be able to plant anything here until Mother’s Day but at least the mountains of snow should start to diminish. Hang in there!


    • arlingwoman says:

      Often, I’ve put peas in by now. It’s really been manageable–5 inches each in the three larger storms and a scattering to add up to 18.something, which isn’t bad, especially compared to upstate NY, New England and points north. But there’s a reason I live in Virginia. 😉


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