Thank Goodness It’s Summer

Saturday, I went to the garden later than I had hoped. I’ve been exhausted from work and wound up when I get home, so unless I go running or do something physical, I remain wound up and go to bed later than I should. On Saturday, I don’t have to get up, so I don’t and I didn’t.

The sweet peas are beginning their summer bloom on the fence.

The sweet peas are beginning their summer bloom on the fence.

I found the peas that were outside the enclosure I built for the beans had all been attacked by voles, which was unfortunate for the developing pods. I did salvage some peas, but mostly they were from the enclosure.

Ah, these are safe from the voles and the greedy rabbits!

Ah, these are safe from the voles and the greedy rabbits!

My garlic are still sprouting scapes, which I did not cut, but will go back tomorrow to get. I did harvest some garlic just to see the state of the bulbs and was pleased with what I found. In thinning the carrots, I wondered what variety I had planted, as they are almost round. Very tasty, too.

this is what they look like above ground...

this is what they look like above ground…

And this is what they look like harvested, with some baby carrots...

And this is what they look like harvested, with some baby carrots…

When I got home from the garden, I had mail! And it included a package from Alys of Gardening Nirvana. It was a package of twelve colored pens!!! And lest I be confused about their purpose, she included a selection of post cards ready to be colored. She even gave me stamps!

Just think of the possibilities!!!!

Just think of the possibilities!!!!

Being who I am, I sat down immediately to coloring, which is marvelous therapy for those set upon by, well, any number of things, I suppose. I colored in two post cards last night and this morning. I have no idea how Alys knew my coloring proclivities, but what a treat these pens and cards are!

And here's what I did so far...

And here’s what I did so far…

I am looking forward to a warm summer week, a little fresh produce, and a little more reading here and there. I hope your week is a good one!

Alex's raspberries...

Alex’s raspberries…

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20 Responses to Thank Goodness It’s Summer

  1. The wonderful Alys to the rescue again! I didn’t even know you liked colouring in! Did you know you can buy adult colouring books? Mandalas of all kinds and flowers and all kinds of things – it would be very soothing to sit with your coloured pencils or watecolour pencils and play!

    The garden is looking most bountiful! I hope the critters spare you something.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s a shame about the voles, but a good thing they must not like garlic. Alys must be very in tune.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. KerryCan says:

    I love these pictures of your produce producing! Yum! And you have a flower garden, too, with the postcards you’re coloring!


  4. Eliza Waters says:

    Your produce looks wonderful! The Sweet Peas must smell divine – such a great scent!


  5. Boomdeeadda says:

    Hi Lisa! WOW-ee Kazowie, your garden is really grown up! Love those sweet peas and their colour. Have you brought some home? Hey?! Are you reno’ing your kitchen yet? Your place is really cute but I can’t wait to see the update xo K


  6. Lisa, your garden looks amazing. I love those pink sweet peas (mine are a beautiful purple). Next year I hope to grow them in a rainbow of colors. Too bad about the voles…and the bunnies. Ah nature, you get the good and the not so good and then make the best of it all. Cute little carrots you’ve got there though. There is nothing so sweet as a fruit or vegetable grown in your own organic garden. Looks like your summer is well underway.

    I’m delighted you are enjoying the coloring postcards and pens. They look great and have served a double purpose: stress relief. I think coloring is meditative, much like sewing by hand. I hope your stress level at work can be brought into check soon, or that you can schedule some time off to regroup. Best of luck.


  7. Oh Lisa, your garden looks so beautiful and mouthwatering ( I love veggies) Naughty voles…I love looking at garden pictures now, since we travel so much this summer and we have the garden low key and maintenance friendly = boring.
    And of course I agree…coloring is excellent stress relief. Take care and color a lot, Johanna


  8. Robin says:

    The postcards and pens are wonderful. I love to color, too. It’s very relaxing and meditative. Your garlic looks good, and I bet the carrots were sweet and yummy. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Boomdeeadda says:

    The garden is growing like made and I’m impressed at the lack of any weeds. You are keeping it so tidy Lisa. I decided not to persue a rented garden space this summer since there’s so mush I wanted to do in the yard. I have 2 more perrenials to plant and some ground covers….so close. I like that your sweet peas are all one colour. What variety are those? Hey!! I was just reading Joes blog, I get by blog . com and seen that Stacy’s in Manhatton. I’d love to go to NYC one day. Have you been? I’m having fun with my colouring cards too. We could’ve/should’ve marketed this, LOL Hugs K


  10. reocochran says:

    I liked your decorated cards. You did two different designs. I liked the filled in card for its multiple colored fenetic energy and the other design for its simplicity with butterfly touches. 🙂


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