
Yesterday, I was harvesting cilantro, broccoli, cauliflower, and parsley from the garden.  It was over 60 degrees, and I wasn’t even wearing a jacket.

Doesn’t look like January 2, does it?

Today, I woke up to this.

Snow was clinging to the screen and coming down at a good clip.

It was snowing crazily, almost a whiteout without wind.  The predictions had changed over the course of the day from 2-5 inches to 4-7 inches to 6-10.  In my neighborhood, we seem to have received somewhere between 6 and 6 ¼ inches.

I measured.

I love seeing snow.  Especially this wet heavy stuff that makes branches look like a fairy world.

That’s a downed branch lower center, from the redbud. Still, it looks pretty magical.

Unfortunately, it’s also caused a few branches to fall.  I noticed one from a white pine, one from a holly and one from the redbud down the courtyard.

This Japanese Maple still had leaves, unfortunately. It seems flexible, though.

I cleaned my car off but did no shoveling, as I think I can just drive out of 6 inches.  And this stuff is heavy and very wet, which is mostly what we get here.  The last time I shoveled the car out I had to remind myself that I was no longer 35.  It’s likely that with temps well above freezing in the next few days that it will melt soon.  If I’d believed the forecast last night, I might have moved the car into the County garage, but…

Because the snow was so wet and the streets have not been plowed, traffic is creating an icy road base for the evening.

It’s so nice to see, and so rare (it’s been a few years since we had anything much in the way of a snowstorm) that I’ll likely have another walk in it today. 

Wishing you your own early-year magic, whatever that might be!

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34 Responses to Whiplash!

  1. Eliza Waters says:

    Wow, winter has arrived! Heavy, sticky snow is a bear to shovel, so I hope yours does melt fairly quickly. Isn’t it nice that you don’t have to get up and out to go to a job? One of the perks of retirement is you can wait these things out, no problem. 😉


  2. Lavinia Ross says:

    That is lot of snow, Lisa! Our own snow did not last long. We are back to wind-driven rain now.


  3. It is lovely to walk in, as long as one isn’t required to for long periods! I hope you were able to drive out without a problem. Thank you for all the beautiful pictures.


  4. Beautiful, but as Eliza noted, wet snow is hard to shovel. I do believe that right now you have more snow more than we do.


  5. shoreacres says:

    The last time we had snow like that was on Christmas Eve in 2004. It’s beautiful. I’m wondering if you went out for another walk, or just snuggled in and enjoyed the view. Just tooking at your photos makes me want a cup of hot chocolate!


    • arlingwoman says:

      I HAD a cup of cocoa today–after I cleared the car. I did go out again, but sidewalks were too dicey, so I didn’t stay out long. It’s lovely to look at from the window, though.


  6. danellajoy says:

    Hi There Lisa,

    I was talking to a friend in Virginia yesterday and she was commenting on it being 72f on the 2nd Jan. She then posted a photo this morning of her drive. Phenominal! I guess the “old wives tale” of it warming before snow is 100% true in this case. We are at mid summer in NZ with no crazy contradictionsthus far. Hope you enjoy the beautiful snowfall, I know I would love to experience it first hand but not something we get here. Thanks for sharing the pictures of the. Take care, Danella


    • arlingwoman says:

      Hey Danella! It was really lovely to watch and walk in. Now it’s really cold–dropping into the teens (-8 ish Celsius), but will likely warm enough to start the melting tomorrow. I guess you’ll have to travel to see the snow, but it’s different in different places–it can be dry and powdery or wet like we have. Happy new year!


  7. How wonderful – I love snow. Here today (NZ) it’s too hot to mow the lawn!


  8. I don’t remember when I last saw such snow. I am pleased you like it, and hope you enjoy your next walk


  9. TanGental says:

    I’m v jealous. We last had serious snow last century or so it seems. These days it’s the flippant stuff that makes everything look like it needs a decent dandruff shampoo. Still cold sir from the north is coming so you never know. Hope you get out safely…


    • arlingwoman says:

      Thanks! I don’t actually have to go anywhere, just like to get the car cleaned off. But I do think the stuff will melt in the next couple days. Maybe you’ll get a better coating of snow soon. Who knows?

      Liked by 1 person

  10. SueW says:

    Gosh, what a lot of snow. Always a pleasure to see, but never not when driving around.
    Your tree photographs are lovely, just beautiful. Stay at home, hunker down in the warmth.


  11. SueW says:

    Haha, I edited my comment (not very well) and now it doesn’t make sense! meant to delete the word Never!


    • arlingwoman says:

      Yes, driving here is always dicey, never mind in snow or ice. Too much traffic volume–all it takes is a couple people who get stuck or spin out and the whole metro area is jammed up. Luckily I can walk most places and now I have all wheel drive, so if I have to go, I can. It’s still pretty and not thawing much yet, so I continue to enjoy!!! Unfortunately we have more predicted in a couple days, but it may not happen.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Lisa, the snow is beautiful. I’m glad you’re retired so you can enjoy it at your own pace. I’m also delighted to see those yummy vegetables coming from your winter garden. Great timing on the harvest. I know you’ll enjoy your winter walk.


    • arlingwoman says:

      Thanks, Alys! The snow is great. Of course, I don’t have to go anywhere except where I choose! It isn’t thawing much today yet, but I expect a lot will be water by tomorrow afternoon! The harvest timing was perfect–Things had just gotten to a good size. And I doubt I’ll get much else after this! Fall planting is always guesswork, but when you can get something in December or January from it, that’s the reward.


  13. We saw the news about that East coast snowstorm. Looks like it hit a few states pretty good. It’s lightly snowing here again, as I type this. I need to take a photo of our picnic table, LOL. In my head, I know how far South you are, but for some reason, it’s so surprising to see leaves on your trees and gardening in January 😀 We’re looking forward to a considerable warm up mid week. It’s been below -20 C for over a week and most days nearing -30C and colder. So, yep, no gardening going on, ha! Enjoy it while it lasts xK


    • arlingwoman says:

      We got hit again last night! This time it was maybe three inches of dry powdery stuff, so it’s blowing. It’s really pretty, though. And here I was thinking with the wind and it being in the 20s F here today that it was time to pull out the down coat. I could NOT live where you do!!! Stay warm.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well, it’s what you get used to I think. I feel the same about heat and humidity 😀 I will admit, 20F or 06 C would be a balmy winter day for us, ha! It’s suppose to be 0 C or 32F by next Wednesday, I bet some people will be out in t-shirts. Not today though, -26C was our high, that’s -14.8 F 😀


      • arlingwoman says:

        Ack. I thought maybe we were close to you this morning, at 18 F, but that’s around -8C, so still a way to go…I don’t think the polar vortex of a few years ago got to -14F. I did see one of my neighbors walking home from an errand with his coat open to his t-shirt, though, so we do have some…er…hardy people here…

        Liked by 1 person

  14. Whiplash indeed! What happened to your garden?


    • arlingwoman says:

      I haven’t been since. The broccoli and cauliflower will keep growing slowly, as will kale. Arugula and chard will come back in spring; carrots will be okay. Likely the peas, cilantro and parsley are toast. We actually got more snow, but it was light fluffy stuff and it’s stayed cold. Freezing rain tomorrow. Lady Winter has checked in to the hotel…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lady Winter has checked into the hotel, but left her mantle of white behind her? 🙂

        I didn’t know cruciferous vegetables were that hardy, thank you for sharing, it’s good to know! It sounds like you have a delightfully large garden 🪴


      • arlingwoman says:

        Most of the Cole crops are quite hardy (I call them cold crops). If they get nipped back by snow or ice, they often come on really strong as first spring crops when it starts to warm.

        Liked by 1 person

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