Of Stuff and Plaster Dust and Fresh Produce…

On Friday this week, I had a man come in to fix water damage in two separate closets. In the one, the wall had been repaired too quickly after a pinhole leak, so crumbled out again. In the other, the outside wall was being affected by a problem on the roof, now resolved. This entailed emptying the closets. I live in a small space, so I don’t have a lot of stuff or store much.

The door to the closet in question...

The door to the closet in question…

The front closet holds extra art, painting supplies, out of season clothing, beach chairs, ironing board and suitcases, plus canning equipment. This was the biggest deal as it all had to come out into my living space. The clothing filled up my little couch.

This was piled high and covered with a drop cloth.

This was piled high and covered with a drop cloth.

Other stuff was stacked neatly around my dining table, so that I could still use it in the awful event that the contractor did not show up. I was not putting things back only to take them out again. Luckily he came.

It looked different with all that stuff pile around it.

It looked different with all that stuff piled around it.

The bedroom was easy. That closet has seasonal clothes and shoes and boxes of out of season shoes. I hauled everything out and in the morning hung the clothes in the bathroom across the shower rod. I draped a few things with drop cloths. This was a mistake. I should have layered everything with drop cloths.

Plenty of room here for what was needed.

Plenty of room here for what was needed.

While my workman was neat and didn’t slop plaster around, there was a fine layer of dust over everything. I am still wiping it up in unexpected places. That’s okay, because my closet walls are beautiful. And I bagged up quite a few things for donation, so now have fewer things in both closets. This will be important when I bite the bullet and actually arrange for the kitchen to be remodeled.

Look at that beautiful, intact back wall!!!!

Look at that beautiful, intact back wall!!!!

As a result of all the cleanup and other errands (not to mention going to see Marcia Ball at the State Theatre with friends), I did not do a lot of gardening this weekend. Sarah and Jane went to the Plot garden and weeded and mulched! Hooray, Jane and Sarah! And during the week, I harvested turnips and beets for AFAC.

These were lovely, and there are a few left for harvesting.

These were lovely, and there are a few left for harvesting.

This took some arranging, as I didn’t want my produce harvester/deliverer, Alex, to have to deal with the quantities I knew were there in addition to getting the lettuces and driving the produce to AFAC. So I went Wednesday evening with my cooler and pulled and washed beets and turnips.

I am partial to purple top turnips...

I am partial to purple top turnips…

Of course, they did not all fit in the cooler, but I had an extra frozen water bottle and an overgrown trumpet vine to shade the ones that didn’t fit.

All pulled and washed.

All pulled and washed.

When Alex got there on Thursday, the beet and turnip greens still looked good. She harvested lettuce, loaded it in her car and took it to AFAC. Twenty-three pounds of fresh produce! Yup. And we haven’t even harvested the carrots yet…

Soooo satisfying to see.  Thanks, Alex!

Soooo satisfying to see. Thanks, Alex!

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32 Responses to Of Stuff and Plaster Dust and Fresh Produce…

  1. It feels so good to have a little refurbishment done in one’s home. Just a little sprucing up can do wonders for my soul. But yes, the plaster dust.
    I’ve been video chatting with my daughter in Boston these last few days as she is in the middle of plastering, sanding and painting her new tiny, tiny Harry Potter-sized room in her new digs at University. Coaching a 19-year-old through that process has been wonderfully fun. I think this has given her a taste of independence and artistry.
    Do you play the violin, Lisa? I saw one against the dresser. Just curious.
    And good heavens, what a bounty! Those beets are jewel-toned gems of edible art. Beautiful, or maybe beetiful. 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The walls were a drag. But the turnips look wonderful.


  3. Turnips in a pork roast – it makes them quite unhealthy and delicious!


  4. wonderful to have your house back in order agian…you made it into a well organized happening. Go ahead with the kitchen I’d say! I like your dining room set btw and the violin….I wish I could play (or sing;0)) The veggies look so tasty! What a succes, beets are my fave. So good, roasted with goat cheese and honey! Enjoy your Sunday! xo Johanna

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I loved seeing the photos of your home Lisa! That parquet flooring is delicious!! The view through the dining room window is so very green now, it looks fabulous. You are still dithering over the kitchen? I say bite the bullet and go for it – just make sure you have a budget for dining out and tell yourself it will be three months of hell [it won’t be that long and you will be pleasantly relieved and surprised] and then you will be so in love with your new spacious room you will cook up a storm and wonder why it took you so long!

    Liked by 1 person

    • arlingwoman says:

      I know. My home is such an orderly little haven that anything that causes much disruption gives me immense pause. But you’re right. Doing something with the kitchen would transform the space. I hope things have dried out where you are! I must email….


  6. Robin says:

    Twenty-three pounds of fresh produce! How wonderful. The beets are really beautiful. Your home is beautiful, too. What did you think of Marcia Ball? We’ve seen her a few times and always enjoy her music.


    • arlingwoman says:

      This was my second time seeing her. I lover her brand of jazz/blues and she always has a good band. Wouldn’t see her at the State again though as it has to have the worst sound system I’ve experienced in years…


  7. The sooner you get the kitchen done, the sooner it will be over… at least this is what I keep telling myself about the work that we are having done. Basically I have given up cleaning for the time being… the dust is incredible… even though mine is supposed to remain outside! My only concession has been to clean the kitchen window, because I couldn’t see the birds on the feeder through the grime.
    Your home looks lovely… I wish my closets were that organised!


  8. KerryCan says:

    I think I need to schedule some home renovations, just to force me to go through closets and drawers! But that drywall dust–oy! Your harvest is spectacular, and pretty, too. I wish I knew how to play the fiddle . . .


  9. Beachbums1 says:

    What a delicious harvest. Beets are a favorite of mine ~ I always feel so healthy after eating them!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Boomdeeadda says:

    Geez you know, it’s way fun to read a blog of a far away friend and think, “now there’s that beautiful Dinette that was such a bargain” or “oh yes the antique clock”. It was sure nice of you to have us over Lisa, I adore the parklike feeling of your complex. It didn’t seem like we were in the city at all. You have a very cute suite with interesting orangment of your special things and books.

    Your harvesting of vegetables is so much earlier than ours. What a difference. It all looks great! Do you know Borchst? It’s a vegetable soup made with a beat base and served with a dallop of sour cream and dill on top. I guess you can Google it. But my mouth is watering just thinking about a bowl. Enjoy the weekend! Hugs K BTW, I spotted your number in my call list with that crazy photo I took in the dark at that resturaunt. Do you remember? You put the candle below your face like you were telling a scary story at a campout….I laughed. What a fun time. xK

    Liked by 3 people

  11. arlingwoman says:

    Borscht! I have only heard of borscht, but I’ve always wondered if I would like it because I like beets so much. Derrick says you want the frilly poppies, too. I’m going to look for seeds. I had forgotten about that picture. It must be a fright!!!!! What fun we had at the Iron Gate!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. We did have fun at the Iron Gate! What a whirlwind of a time.

    Lisa, I will join the chorus. Remodel is hell, but then its over and you wonder how you ever managed with the old kitchen. I hope you’ll make a plan and get started.

    Your apartment is adorable and so you. I’m glad you were able to get your closet leaks fixed. We have a similar problem in our bedroom wall. Whats annoying is that we paid a lot of money to have it fixed a few years ago, and clearly it is still leaking. The water, from what little rain we had this year, damaged the textured walls and paint in our room. I’ve already had one person look at it, but he hasn’t provided a quote.

    Ah, home-ownership. Something almost always needs fixing.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. reocochran says:

    I liked your casual photo and you look fine. The veggies made me remember that my ex used turnips, onions, white and sweet potatoes in what their family called “root vegetable casserole.” It was yummy!

    Liked by 1 person

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