The Calendar of Flowers

This week’s garden yielded a summer squash, two okra pods, five tomatoes, a pepper, and a profusion of greens–chard, kale, beet. I will make a curry with the greens, adding onions and chick peas and cooking up some rice to accompany. I got my usual robust bouquet of flowers, but it took me longer, since they are beginning to look a bit seedy. The storm also blew a few down. It occurred to me that I would be making do without flowers in another month, so I thought maybe a little gratefulness for the profusion was in order.  It all started in January, when I got excited about the snowdrops.


They were still around in February, sometimes actually peeking through snow.


March looked pretty much like this:


April kicked in marvelously with blossoming trees.


May gave me columbine,


Roses and irises,


and heavenly scented holly.


June came on with yarrow and sweet peas, while roses, larkspur and a whole profusion of flowers burst out.


July brought us lovely sunflowers.


August gave us a little bit of blue amidst the reds, yellows and oranges.


In September, the zinnias held up bravely, while also feeding birds.


October always brings colorful squashes and pumpkins and gourds, along with mums.


November gives the mums a chance to shine.


And December has given me a last few roses in past years.


Flowers galore. And I’ve left out the poppies, black-eyed susans, hydrangea, lily of the valley, love-in-a-mist and the recently featured Jerusalem artichokes. The flowers are their own calendar, aren’t they?

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27 Responses to The Calendar of Flowers

  1. Eliza Waters says:

    A delightful calendar of flowers – you’re fortunate to have them almost year ’round!

    Liked by 1 person

    • arlingwoman says:

      That’s what I thought. The only month I could find no flower pictures for was March–and I know that’s because I don’t always take pictures of the early bulb plants! Here’s to the enjoyment of flowers–inside and out.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Vincent Wambua says:

    Wow! I love your world…so lovely combinations you got there…amazing seasons…Greetings from Kenya!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love that you can find flowers for every season – and nearly every month! Even March has it’s own icy beauty though with all those snowflakes hidden within the white blanket. Gardening has a way of steering us towards the positive and the beautiful!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Such a wonderful calendar of flowers….but don’t you have any Michaelmas daisies in the fall? I guess those are mostly wild, in the woods….


    • arlingwoman says:

      If I had taken the camera to the garden today, you might have had a whole variety of colors of asters. I don’t grow them, but my neighbors in the garden do–and the flowers are quite exuberant right now!


  5. I want your curried greens recipe! See – I comment on the veggies – although the flowers are lovely!


    • arlingwoman says:

      Oy, Bruce! I’ll see what I can do. I just wing it, but I can put something together when I make it this week–listing the ingredients and all–then you can mess with it. I email it later in the week.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I have Swiss chard (we call it silver beet) coming out my ears all year, and I thought the idea of “curry-ing” it might be good for a change…


      • arlingwoman says:

        That’s exactly why I do it. I realized I got the idea long ago from a recipe that used spinach. Will send that as well as what I do with the chard mix, so you can adjust to your tastes with some idea…

        Liked by 1 person

  6. A nice concept, Lisa. Your mums remind me of France, where the cemeteries are filled with them on All Souls day


  7. It’s all been said…but just soooo pretty!!! 🙂


  8. How lovely, to look back at a year and celebrate it with the flowers that were around you! You are a very special person Lisa! xo Johanna


  9. KerryCan says:

    You could make your own real calendar, using these photos! You’re lucky to have something blooming almost every part of the year–we can’t claim that here! Still, some things, like hydrangeas with their dried blossoms and all our evergreen shrubs and trees, give a garden interest even in the winter.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Mary Tang says:

    I like it that when you photograph your flowers you often take in the whole plant and not just the individual blooms. Lovely to celebrate a year in that way.


  11. reocochran says:

    Your calendar could be published for a local gardening club or a food bank, Lisa. Fabulous photos! 🙂


  12. Delightful! A great recap of the year and a long list of natural gifts in your midst. That was fun, Lisa.

    Liked by 1 person

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