Fall Comes On

This weekend I cleaned up the Plot Against Hunger gardens and then went to my own to work. It is beginning to look like fall in the garden and elsewhere.


The zinnias, though, are still glorious!

The rats have been temporarily vanquished. As a result I have tomatoes!!! I also got some peppers and eggplants.


Quite a haul for this garden season. I knocked the green tomato off trying to pick one of the ripe ones.

I am hoping to have at least one butternut squash. This is the only winter squash I didn’t rip out to keep the rats from feasting. We’ll see if I get any.


Possibly two butternuts. We’ll see. I may have to cover the plant with something…

I also have arugula, which nobody eats except me! What a treat.


Note there are some new arugula seedlings coming up on either side of the mature crop.

The oregano is having a resurgence, and is lovely in pasta.


My oregano seems to intermingle with sweet peas and still keep the upper hand.

I am hoping to get another eggplant or two, but I think there may not be enough left of the season.


I fear those three incipient eggplants above the mature one may not have enough time left…

Just for kicks, though, have a look at my turnip sprouts. The season will be long enough for them!


Turnips are another thing that, Like arugula, only the gardener is eating…

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58 Responses to Fall Comes On

  1. I’ve never had an appreciation for turnips – it’s one of those shudder memories from my youth…….. The zinnias are wonderful – glorious autumnal colour! And yay for ridding yourself of rats even if only temporarily. You need a Pied Piper …… The green tomato could be fried I believe, like at the Whistle Stop Cafe 🙂 It’s something I’ve always wanted to try since seeing the movie in the early 90’s. Hope all else in your life is going well xo

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Eliza Waters says:

    I’m glad you were able to harvest some crops from your garden – pests can be so disheartening. The zinnias look prolific!
    We might get a frost tonight, which will end the peppers and basil. I tried to cover a few of the zinnias, as it is supposed to warm up again, fingers crossed! I’d be happy to get a few more weeks out of the flower bed.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I think almost anything dipped in batter and fried is delicious…. How nice that you will be having a renewed kitchen. My kitchen is quite dated, but serviceable and easy to keep clean so I don’t think I’ll change it, now that I live alone and my former love of cooking has seriously diminished. The zinnias, of course, are wonderful. Here’s to looking at next year with renewed hope!


  4. Boomdeeadda says:

    Hi Lisa, nice to see you’re still enjoying your garden. We’ve had some cooler nights, but no frost as of yet. My baskets are still blooming but the flower beds look plenty tired. I need to get out there. I never know what to do with eggplant. I’ve had it at resturaunts and enjoyed it, Eggplant Parmesan. But I tried to make it at home one night and it ended up in the bin. What do you do with it? Enjoy Autumn, it’s been lovely here. xK


    • arlingwoman says:

      Eggplant is so yummy. The thing is it has to be thoroughly cooked to that creamy consistency. I use it in pasta sauce with tomatoes; slice it thinly and broil or grill it then marinate it in olive oil, lemon, garlic and basil for salad or appetizer (you can wrap it around cheese or meat), saute it chopped for a while and then toss in some other summer veggies to cook with it, and of course, there’s ratatouille and Asian versions of eggplant. I have made eggplant parmesan, but because you have to cook the eggplant first and that involves breading and frying, I don’t do that very often. They also bake up really nicely if you want to make baba ganouj or add the innards to a spicy eggplant tomato soup (add cumin and coriander–yummy). Now that should give you some ideas to research! I heard from a friends in Mass. and Ontario that it was supposed to frost last night. You’ll be next, no doubt!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Well done, you farmer! And I love arugula too.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Bun Karyudo says:

    Congratulations on winning this round of your ongoing battle with the rats. 🙂


  7. Love the zinnias and the tomatoes. It looks as if your gardens picked up a bit


  8. KerryCan says:

    Jeez–I LOVE those zinnias! As you’ve probably figured, I’m more a flower gal than a veggie gal, but I’m glad for you, that you’re getting some payoff for your hard work.


    • arlingwoman says:

      The zinnias have definitely been the bright spot this year. Throw down some seed next year and see what you get! The rabbits do like the small plants, but you can cover them for a while.


  9. Brenda says:

    So happy the rats are gone. They make me shudder. I’m hoping you are able to harvest more eggplants. They are so delicious straight from the garden.


    • arlingwoman says:

      Those two in the picture went into a squash, tomato, eggplant bake last night for dinner. They were yummy. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that the little ones get big enough to pick before frost.


      • Brenda says:

        My eggplants started really slowly this year, but came on strong in September. I roasted and froze a bunch (good on pizza) and also have some babies that I’m hoping will grow more before the frost. Peppers too!

        Liked by 1 person

      • arlingwoman says:

        That sounds great. I have never roasted and frozen eggplant. Will have to try that. Good luck with the peppers! It’s that last bit of produce that rounds off the season.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. jennypellett says:

    Your oregano looks very healthy – mine never grows as rampantly as that. Arugula- is that what we call Rocket? I’ve just bought a bag from the supermarket- I love it! Also, the zinnias are a picture.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Mary Tang says:

    Good to see that you were rewarded for your efforts. Zinnias have never been my favourite flowers but that photograph shows them off in a way I’d never pictured.


  12. Lisa, I’m glad you finally got some tomatoes to call your own. I’ve never acquired a taste for eggplant, but it sure is beautiful. And your herbs!

    I love the colorful zinnias. Will they last into the fall months? It’s all looking beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. LB says:

    Lisa, I am so happy that you were finally able to harvest some tomatoes and eggplant. You have really hung in there and at least one a battle over those rats!
    I hope you’ll share photos of your kitchen remodel at some point.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. badfish says:

    man, that garden is flourishing, eh? I truly miss having a garden, living in a desert and in a high-rise just makes it impossible…love those tomatoes!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Oh, so delighted fall is showing its face! My favorite season of the year, and though the zinnias are beautiful, as you say, give me yellow mums and pumpkins any day 🙂 And I have to say, I love arugula too 😋

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Sylvie G says:

    It seems like an exhausting task to taste all that wine, professionally. or otherwise,


  17. Chas Spain says:

    Hi Lisa – so lovely to see your garden just so full and sunny after the hard work a few months ago?


  18. Green Global Trek says:

    Fabulous. Nothing as satisfying as growing and picking and eating your own produce. All fresh all organic. Hard work, but well worth it. Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Your garden looks vibrant and vigorous still. Those zinnias are lovely, as are the tomatoes. And please throw some of them arugula over here! I love ’em.


    • arlingwoman says:

      I still have the arugula, but this blog was about a month ago. I’ve been having internet issues and haven’t posted. I’ve pulled out the peppers and eggplants and probably should get some of the green tomatoes before the predicted frost. Thankfully the flowers are still looking good! Thanks for coming by, Cynthia.

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Maria F. says:

    Beautiful images all. We have many eggplants here.


  21. Lavinia Ross says:

    Glad to hear you are getting some veggies for yourself! We have all kinds of critters here that want their share. Our biggest problem is birds in the vineyard, followed by gophers.


    • arlingwoman says:

      All I have left now are some green tomatoes and some greens. I did plant some turnips that I should be able to eat in a few weeks, but I hope to put the garden to bed soon. Thanks for stopping by!


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